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LOVE printed tribute cards

  • $15.00

There, in the snow on an empty city street lined with tall buildings, is a God’s Love van, on its way to deliver our life-sustaining meals. Black and white drawing with a bright red heart on the van. Drawing by Art Glazer for God's Love We Deliver.


printed tribute cards

A beloved tradition at God’s Love We Deliver for many years, our personalized holiday tribute cards bring together your special wishes for your loved ones with your support for the critical work of God’s Love.

For a minimum donation of $15 per card, each person on your holiday card mailing list gets a lovely card that you’ve chosen, professionally printed with your personalized message and a note that a donation has been made in their honor to God’s Love We Deliver. We print the envelopes, including your preferred return address, and get them in the mail. You just supply the mailing list and your warm wishes.

Most importantly, your donation provides much-needed support for people too sick to shop or cook for themselves. Each $15 card funds one meal for a senior living with cardiovascular disease and one child’s breakfast.

We begin sending cards in late November* and are not able to send on specific dates. All cards are mailed first class via the United States Postal Service.

For the best chance of delivery in time for the holidays, please order no later than the dates below.

Hannukah: November 6 domestic, October 16 international

Christmas: November 27 domestic, November 6 international

If you have questions, please contact us at 212.294.8142 or We’re here to help!

* If you are sending Hannukah wishes internationally, please email us at so we can get your cards out in time as Hannukah comes early this year.

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