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MARVEL tribute ecard for personal use

  • $250.00

Wilson Alwyn Bentley's pioneering 1885 microscopic image of a snowflake, reminding us of nature's infiniteness. Wilson Bentley, photomicrograph of Stellar Snowflake No. 990. Smithsonian Institution Archives, Record Unit 31, Image No. SIA2013-09130.


tribute ecards for personal use

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Designed to be used as personal cards when you prefer the novelty of an ecard, for a minimum donation of $250 we’ll personalize our MARVEL ecard with your name and supply the file as a PDF for you to email to as many recipients as you wish. We email you your personalized ecard within 7 business days of your order.

Most importantly, your donation provides much-needed support for people too sick to shop or cook for themselves. A $250 donation provides 25 personalized birthday cakes so our clients with illness are able to celebrate their special day.


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